There are many people like me who have a hard time waking up in the morning. My husband pops out of bed at 5:30, ready to start the day, while I am clinging to that last bit of sleep I can possibly get, managing to rouse myself somewhere about 7:30 on workdays and much, much later on the weekends. Having been like this all my life, one would think I would stay away from chores that, although not terribly difficult, require some amount of concentration. Like laundry. Not very long ago, like maybe last year, I put my cell phone in my bathrobe pocket and had forgotten about it. Until I missed it a while later. Yep, had thoroughly laundered the cell phone, including a second rinse. Alas, after leaving it in rice for several days, I appeared to have laundered the life out of it. So over to AT&T where they gouged me for several hundred dollars. Some enterprising appliance manufacturer should step up to the plate and invent some sort of device that has bells and alarms that can sense when you forget to take your phone out of your pocket (or bathrobe.....). Anybody listening?
Which brings me around to the crux of the story. I know it is hard to fathom, but I am a woman who likes shoes, lots of shoes, and is willing to pay the price, literally and figuratively. Recently I purchased a pair of pricey shoes with very cool zippers around the 4" heels, made of black suede, and boy, they were smoking hot. Remember above when I said I'm not a morning person? Well, I had assembled a pile of laundry on my bedroom floor, scooped it up, and put it in the laundry. All was well until I discovered, much to my surprise, I had washed one of my gorgeous shoes. To boot, my husband had taken the load out of the dryer too soon and placed the damp items on top of more damp items laid out to dry. This then led to a dress being discolored and ruined. As one can imagine, I was not happy. Well, sort of unhappy because I was able to blame my husband's improper housekeeping ways for the destruction of my dress. Any married, engaged, cohabiting couple knows how that conversation went.
But here's the rub: later on, maybe an hour or two as I wiped the tears from my eyes while closely inspecting the soggy shoe, I realized the source of the ruined dress was not the aforementioned laundering habits of my dearly loved husband but of my black suede shoe!!!!!
Now dear readers, do I confess to my husband that it was the little black shoe that caused the ruination of my dress, thereby violating the greatest tenet of marriage: It is always the man's fault. Or do I stick to my guns and support the only tenet in marriage that counts: It's always the man's fault??
While I ponder this great dilemma and wait to hear your suggestions, check out all the fun stuff available on Esty to make laundering of all sorts of items a bit easier.
This smart little change jar is found at shoponelove. If only this fun item were big enough to hold a cell phone.....

I think this is a must have for any laundry space out there. You can find this at heavensplace. I hope I am not the only person who launders their spouse's socks and then they become what my husband has come to call "milk carton socks" because their mate is lost forever. Once again, my laundering standards are different from my husband's. Hmmmm... maybe I won't tell him about the black suede shoe.
Well, that is it for now. After all, it's 5:00 somewhere.
My etsy store? designbayou