Sure Orinthal J. Simpson is an icon in the folklore of American history, for whatever reason you wish to choose. I think he singlehandedly started the evolution of people driving cars to people driving trucks in America. But this post is moving on to the first and original OJ, the one, the only... drum roll, please... orange juice. You see, I heard on the radio the other day that sales of that acidic filled, morning delight of the 50s and 60s has trailed off by over 40% in the last decade. How can this be?? How can it be that we, as a nation, have stopped filling our cute little juice glasses with the stuff America is made of? What's next... bacon? No way, because I eat enough bacon for three people, so that would never happen. Everything is just better with bacon it in. I think that might could be a post for another day.......
Anyway, remember growing up, those cutest little orange juice glasses your grandmother used to serve you your orange juice?? And it was always cold, straight out of the fridge with your morning cereal, probably Wheaties, because you WERE the Champion!!! But I am thinking that, what with America at 0% population growth (geez, who is going to fund Social Security and push me around in my wheelchair when I am old and grey????), that might account for some of the decline in the popularity of orange juice. But I have another suspicion........ it's the slackers who have stopped drinking mimosas at brunch. Yep, that's it.
Useless Factoid: Spain is the county that produces the most sparkling wine in the world. Why you ask? Ever go to a brunch and order a mimosa and get that little black bottle of "champagne" in which to mix your OJ?? Well, that little black bottle is sparkling wine produced in Spain and is used by about 99.9% of hotels and restaurants around the world as the sparkler in a mimosa. Not that I am disparaging that little black bottle of bubbly, but it makes me wonder how bad that stuff might actually be if everyone has to put OJ in it to taste good. Just a thought..........
But back to the lack of mimosa consumption. I checked on the number of brunches in America, private and public, and there does not seem to be a lack of sales in restaurants and lord knows how many of us attend Saturday or Sunday brunches on a weekly basis. So what has happened? Did mimosas fall out of favor? But what could have taken its place? Please tell me people are not consummating martinis at that hour of the day!! Hmmm..... I guess it gets back to the slackers who are just not paying attention and letting the Real OJ slip into obscurity. But for those of us who still believe, here are a few Etsy offerings to keep a good thing going....
The folks at WordForWord got smart and put everything together in one place (Please note the bacon reference, but I digress....). Yeah, I know these have nothing to do with drinking mimosas but OJ figures quite prominently. They have an awful lot of really fun stuff in their store.

These glasses are just fabulous vintage. Imagine yourself drinking out of these back in the Art Deco period of the '20s.

I have visions of Leonardo DiCaprio showing up in a tux and the women swooning while sipping. It's really a good fantasy!!!! They can be found at VintNoggin.
Okay, so they are from the '40s. Fantasy is still the American way......
But if you really, really, really want to keep on with the above mentioned fantasy, check out this absolutely stunning Art Deco Champagne Diamond Engagement ring. I can just envision Leonard DiCaprio kissing my hand while I am flashing this ring. A woman can dream.....

You can find this gorgeous piece at JdotC. Ms. Jessica has some really beautiful pieces. Here is the link for this one.
Well, time to go. It's 5:00 somewhere........
Love this! Very witty. I have tried to do my part mimosa wise but...maybe it's time to take it up a notch.
ReplyDeleteI try to do my part. Perhaps we should ask for commitments from readers????