Then come the Middle Ages where Geoffrey Chaucer, the author of the book we all know, love, and have probably never read, Canterbury Tales, and his group started the whole courtly love thing. Apparently, Mr. Chaucer wrote a poem to celebrate the marriage of Richard II to Anne of Bohemia. (We all have probably read this poem too.....) On to 18th century England, where the industrialization of Valentines Day began. They started making valentine cards on doilies, hand drawn pictures, and candy to seal the deal with their significant other. Come the excess of the 1980s and jewelry retailers decided it was a good time to get in on the action and persuade the buying public (men....) that women like to get shiny baubles around this time of year. Not to say we don't like getting them at ANY time of the year, just more so at Valentines' Day to commemorate your courtly love. It's one of those '80s throw backs that still hang around.
Back to the liturgical thing mentioned earlier. Think how great it would be if we could have yet another fully paid holiday so banks could be closed, the federal and state governments could be closed, schools would be closed and we could all sit around, celebrating our love for our significant other by giving wonderful cards, drinking wine (see earlier post about Orson Welles....) eating candy, and women would receive fabulous bling. What a holiday! Call your Congressman/Congresswoman today and espouse your support of what could be the greatest holiday in existence. Tell them you saw it here........
If you can't afford serious bling for your loved one, there are a lot of different and fun items on Etsy to celebrate Valentines Day. Here are a few:
For the Adult Set, the card choices are fantastic. I can hardly wait to give one to my husband.
If you are looking for something incredibly fun to share, try this SMores Package. Can't you just picture Romeo and Juliet, sitting by the fire, toasting some of these? And ooey gooey chocolate has saved more than one romance!!.

Until next week, Happy Valentines Day!!!!
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