My husband came down with a mild case of the flu the other day, and being the Good Wife that I am, I became his primary caretaker. Any married female knows exactly where this post is going........
Yeah, yeah, I know, you think this post is a gripe session; it's not. It's about pointing out the obvious and how we got there. I often wonder why our significant others simply cannot conceive of who actually suffers the most when they get a cold or some other minor malady. Okay, that is a lie. I really never thought about it until I did this post. Be that as it may, I think the question is how did we allow ourselves to be put in this position? Is it nature, you know, the nester thing?? Is it the hunter/gatherer thing? Is it because we birthed them babies or are we caretakers by nature? I challenge that last theory because, although I love my husband dearly, I have a very low tolerance for the whining and blow by blow description of his Disease of the Day. Alas, I feel I am slipping into the abyss of, as Henry Higgins of My Fair Lady fame said, Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man??? If we stick with Professor Higgins' theory, most everyone would have selective hearing, make loud and obnoxious bodily omissions, know every baseball stat but forget to take out the trash, and worst of all, always leaves the toilet seat in the upright position. I can't even imagine that. Someone has to stay sane for the sake of humanity.
This is my first and last marriage, so having no experience on which to base my theory -- wait, do I have a theory yet?? -- I called upon my longtime married girlfriends for a reference point. Geez, I didn't realize that men had so much in common, other than being men. I also didn't realize my friends also suffered when their spouses became ill with the slightest malady. Hmmmm....
So let's examine all the above theories I have not challenged. How about the nester-thing theory? Nope, think that is about when children leave home. Then again, my dogs make their own little nests and leave really nasty stuff in it, so that really disproves that theory. Then we have the hunter/gatherer theory. I think that is about men providing food and women like to go to the mall and exercise the credit card, something like that. Again, not applicable. Which leaves us to the last theory... maybe the correct theory since I have previously stated I have no tolerance for whining. I think the Birthing the Baby theory is the best explanation. I have no children, no maternal instinct, so this leads me to believe that, in reality, women have done this to themselves. Yes, I hear you from here, saying I am but a traitor to womankind. But you know I am right. We give birth to them, nurture those little darlings until they marry someone who is not good enough for them.... but I digress. Anyway, you get the picture.
So the next time your adoring husband becomes ill at the slightest provocation, remember, you are not alone in your suffering. And to ease the suffering of womankind, check out these fun items on Esty, sure to give comfort to ... well, whoever at your house might need it.
This hot water bottle cover is made in cashmere, yep, cashmere. I want one and I'm not even sick. Think about how warm and comforting this is. This is at TrulySimple.

Or after that warm and relaxing bath you took after caring for your loved one, slather on some of this body creme, get that glass of wine you have been thinking you need since about 10:00 this morning, and get some rest!!! You can find this at FirebirdBathBody. Brooke, the owner, takes great care in her products and you can tell.

Well, back to caring for my husband, a man who deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor for staying married to me, 'cuz it ain't easy being me.
You make me smile.
ReplyDeleteI guess that is the whole object behind writing this blog: To make people have a laugh and smile. Thank you for your faithful reading!!!