In order to rid myself of the homely paint colors on my walls, I had to make a trip or two to the friendly neighborhood paint store. I have been painting my abodes since the first home I bought so this was nothing new to me. What was new to me was the really poor painting job the previous owners left me with and desperately needed to be examined, repaired, and most every prep step you can imagine needed to be performed. Sometimes there are people who should NEVER be allowed to have a paint brush in their hands. Where are the Paint Police when you need them?
I traversed to my closest paint store and started perusing the paint selections. If you have not done any painting lately, gone are the days of simply slapping on some paint and calling it a day. Now you have to choose from To Prime or Not to Prime, Gloss or Matte (which sound more like lipstick applications...) and Suede or Pebbly. And if the amount of colors isn't enough to confuse you, the names of the colors aren't just blue, green and grey. Many of them border on absurd. For example:
Shop 'til you Drop is a funky shade of orange, as apparently this is the color you might turn if indeed you Shop 'Til You Drop. Who knew?? Elevator Button, a gold shade, most definitely did not light up or hit any of my buttons. Lounge Singer, a taupy grey color, which indicates what shade your skin will be if you spend much time in this occupation. Or you could combine two of them for a theme: Soothing Slippers and Oxygen White for those who are currently residing in a setting for the medically impaired. Or the gastronomically incorrect Curry Green, which insinuates you might get ill after seeing this color since curry is a shade of golden-yellow. One is named after an '80s rock Band, Wham, called Careless Whisper, although I did find a shade called Sigh, which is what I was doing after cruising the paint section.
My favorite is one named "Iolite." The dictionary definition of iolite is "magnesium iron aluminium cyclosilicate. Iron is almost always present and a solid solution exists between Mg-rich cordierite and Fe-rich sekaninaite with a series formula: (Mg,Fe)2Al3 to (Fe,Mg)2Al3. ..." I did not know that.......
One of my sisters used to be a commercial textile designer and as such was not only responsible for designing but naming these gems. One collection was about the galaxy and she was stumped and also in a hurry. Enter me and a bottle of wine (see Orson Welles post...). I'm not sure if it was the wine or what but it sure was a whole lot harder to come up with names than one would believe. At first, we thought and mused over the names. Finally, when the bottle was empty -- or we got sick of the project, can't remember which -- we just started coming up with something, anything, to fill in the blank. Then I realized why we have Lounge Singers, Soothing Slippers, and a lot of Careless Whispering going on.
But the Lounge Singer and Soothing Slippers reminded me of our cold weather and the little ice cubes that used to be my feet. This offering from Etsy could cure that problem for me or anyone with this malady.
But if you are looking for something really unusual to slip on your feet, cold or not, check out these fabulous
babies, sure to make you the envy of every BFF you have. Any Lounge Singer would be proud to wear them!!!
This weekend I am painting one of my bathrooms with Thunder Fog. Sigh.........
Thank you for including my orange slippers!!!