I love this time of year. We get to watch all the celebrities walk down the red carpet, dressed to the nines, with fabulous makeup, jewelry, and clothing to die for. Okay, so maybe that last part is not quite the truth. Come on, admit it. You are one of those people who gets on the internet or watches the Joan Rivers program and checks out who was best dressed and who was the worst dressed, cuz, honey, there is waaaaaay more of the latter than the former. I know I check it out. But it is one of the most fun things to do at an Oscar party: Rate the Outfits!!!
There are always the perennially well dressed and then there are... well, people you know you can count on to wear pretty much anything that shows complete lack of not only fashion sense but common sense. Does the word "Cher" bring up any fond memories?? Or the now infamous sort-of-gown worn by Toni Braxton, the woman with that sultry, sexy alto voice, who decided that she needed to wear as little as possible to an awards ceremony. Lordy, it was bad. I would post a picture of it here, but I don't want anyone to say they got PTSS from a post on my blog. If you are looking for that special dress, get it goin' with this smart satin number from Unforgerttable Vintage.https://www.etsy.com/listing/88956195/old-hollywood-glamour-1930s-diva-bias?ref=shop_home_active_24

One thing we can count on is absolute fabulous bling to be worn by all female stars. Harry Winston and Van Clef and Arpels get most of the attention. I personally hope to be buried in anything either one of them make. Of course, I would have to cash in my life insurance prior to my demise to afford said jewelry, proving you can take it with you. I was in Paris not too long ago and Van Clef and Arpels had a necklace in the window that retailed for about $1M. I did not buy it but I took a really good picture of it. Now I am going to photoshop it and make sure I am standing proudly in a picture wearing the bling to end all bling. The miracles of technology..... but to be sure you have some great bling, cruise over to DanPickedMinerals, where you will need a dainty little something to wipe the drool off your face after perusing Dan's sight. Check out this:

You know you want it........
Makeup is usually pretty good too. Kiss, the rock group, has shown up for years in their usual facial splendor. Personally, I think they need a new look. I always like to see the glamorous old Hollywood look, with the big, long eyelashes and matte makeup. They were all so...well, just glamorous. That is what Hollywood was and pretty much still is.
If you want to get dolled up, girls, check it out at KeepingitNatural. Linda Hoffman, a woman who worked in the cosmetic industry when I did and now has her own line of gorgeous cosmetics, has this great cake mascara. Now you can get those fab lashes for yourself. I like cake mascara because it comes off much easier.

Well, get ready for a really fun evening because I have seen several of the movies up for all sorts of categories and this year offers some great choices. Have a fun evening everyone and stay glamorous!!!