I got to thinking the other day about stupid things people do every day in life and how there should be a law against pretty most of it. Turns out, there are a lot of laws on the books in all states passed to deal with just those people. Except the stupid people in this case happen to be the lawmakers. But then again we all already knew this. For what it is worth, an awful lot of the stupid laws deal with alcohol. Go figure......
In my home state of Mississippi, it is illegal for a man to seduce a woman by lying and claiming to marry her. Uh, I fell for that line once but never again!!!!! Or it is unlawful to shave in the center of Main Street.
In California, an enlightened state, fashion divas need to be concerned because women may not drive in a housecoat!!! I don't see that as a potential problem because in California, no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
In Wyoming, it is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking. Fool me once, but isn't that the purpose of a bar, to drink within five feet of it?? Of course, this is a state where one cannot take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without a permit.
In Louisiana, where they live by the Napoleonic Code, "Fake" wrestling matches are prohibited. Aren't they all fake???? I, just like the rest of you, would not want to live in a state that bans fake wrestling.
In my birth state of Pennsylvania, one cannot sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors. So much for my porch functioning as a multi-purpose room.... To make matters worse, you may not catch a fish with your hands, cannot use dynamite to catch a fish, and cannot catch a fish by any body part except your mouth. Pennsylvania seems very concerned with how they catch fish.
But my award for worst law is New York, where the penalty for jumping off a building is death. Need I say more??????
Well, people on Etsy take being stupid very seriously. Here are a few examples...

For the hardcore, In-Your-Face crowd, we have this

If you want to start your day on the right note, this says it all!!!

Well, it's 5:00 somewhere and cocktail hour is calling. Until next time!!
My etsy store? designbayou