Yes, the headline says everything. And it's true. I defy anyone to name something that doesn't taste better with bacon. I actually owe this post to a young lady who tends bar at Don's Seafood Restaurant in Hammond, Louisiana. She is an Etsy fan and showed me a picture of her unbelievably fabulous red shoes she had purchased on Etsy and wore on her wedding day. Realizing it is impolite to drool in public, I just took note of how fabulous they were, and if by chance she reads this blog, all us shoe-loving women would like to know where you got them.
Anyway, I ordered a wonderful dish called Jackedup Shrimp and it was true to its name, creamy cheese with plenty of jalapenos, shrimp and BACON!!! We had nice garlic bread to dunk in it and I was in heaven, at least shrimp and bacon heaven. So that is how the conversation about bacon started.....
I did a little research on bacon and it appears that bacon might actually be good for you. It contains niacin, a vitamin b thing that is good for your eyesight. Wearing contacts or glasses? Just eat more bacon and you soon will no longer be called Four Eyes. On the flip side, there was a study of bacon done at Scripps Institute and they state bacon is actually addictive. Well, duh..... but there is a positive side to that. Now you can stop using all those other addictive drugs that don't taste nearly as good and start eating bacon to get your daily fix!
Wait, there is more!!! There is a cookbook called "Bacon," which I personally own and have given as gifts to friends. It has some really great recipes and talks about every kind of bacon known to mankind. Keds, the maker of canvas covered shoes, now offers them in a bacon version. You cannot know how tempted I am to buy a pair. There are t shirts out here espousing ones' love of bacon, man candles that effuse an aroma of bacon, bacon flavored chapstick, bacon jewelry, bacon peanut brittle, bacon I-Phone case, and the list goes on. (After penning this last line, I know how Bubba Shrimp felt when he uttered those now famous lines in Forest Gump ....).
Now, this is a digital picture of how bacon starts out, sort of pre-bacon. It can be located and downloaded, unlike bacon, right to your computer. It's at VintageRetro Antiques.
This really interesting store called BellaJacksonStudios features spoons that say it all. They brought tears to my eyes. Men, looking for a way to get that special girl to say yes? What girl could refuse a marriage proposal when presented with one ... or a dozen... of this such profession of love??
And to end it all, this offering needs no introduction. Candied bacon from sinnamonsweets.

My heart and arteries are singing and believe me, it doesn't get any better than this.
Well, time to go because it's 5:00 somewhere. Perhaps tonight I will try a bacon flavoured martini???
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